I decided to hold off ordering a color matched body from Resinsoul, as my funds are EXTREMELY tight from over ordering on BJDs (damn you, re-releases!). This means the goal will probably not be met by July 5th, 2016 for my Resinsoul group order. *cries*
Anyway, I had extra time on one of my days off so I decided to go ahead and make a swatch card to mail to Resinsoul in the future. I thought about sending a part, but I decided against it because it might get lost or damaged...or simply never returned. Then I thought about just sending a swatch card! Sending a letter is cheaper than a package anyway. I pulled out my artist's tackle box and pulled out my gouche. Much of it had dried because I had not touched it since I graduated college. Fortunately, like water color, all you need to do to fix it is add water. I put my color theory to work and in about 10 minutes I had my color match. Below are pictures of my results in different lighting. I wanted to make sure the colors still matched in any lighting condition.
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AuthorI'm Deadra - I'm a quiet, anxiety-filled individual with a resting bitch face. I am an artist, graphic designer, and self-made hundredaire with a strange obsession for ball-jointed dolls. Categories
February 2024