What. The fuck. Am I doing? Yes....the more I stared the more Venitu fit my character. I bet you can guess what I did! I bought Venitu. As if the price tag was not big enough, I purchased him in a honey skin!
Well, a few days ago the creator of the Timeless body aka Venitu or Goohwa has....DECIDED TO RE-RELEASE THEM. WHAT. Yes, 5th Motif has decided to sell these dolls again. HOWEVER, he is only selling 60...er 16. He was going to make 60, but he was not getting enough orders so he bumped it DOWN to 16! WHAT. WHAT.
Dollshe re-released their 18M classic bodies as compensation for a bad batch of resin (or something like that) for 50% off! My wallet is screaming...SCREAMING at me telling me to stop. However, I want the Rythmos body for my IOS Chaos head, despite its posing restrictions. I am thinking about selling my Dollshe 28M35S body in order to raise money to get the Rythmos body.
I have mixed feelings about this, though. I REALLY love the resin color (tan) and sculpt, but he is such a pain in the ass to pose. A. really. big. pain. in. the. ass! My Resinsoul group order was a success and the goal of $800 was reached! The participants and I managed to purchase $926 worth! The order was submitted and paid for, now we just have to wait. :/
I ordered the following:
I will be doing a box opening video as usual, but not all the dolls are mine. There will be a newly released deertaur, Winter, in this order! There will also be a green Mi, a pair of male jointed hands, and a Yao. I still haven't gotten any updates on my other orders, but I must be patient. |
AuthorI'm Deadra - I'm a quiet, anxiety-filled individual with a resting bitch face. I am an artist, graphic designer, and self-made hundredaire with a strange obsession for ball-jointed dolls. Categories
February 2024