Dollshe re-released their 18M classic bodies as compensation for a bad batch of resin (or something like that) for 50% off! My wallet is screaming...SCREAMING at me telling me to stop. However, I want the Rythmos body for my IOS Chaos head, despite its posing restrictions. I am thinking about selling my Dollshe 28M35S body in order to raise money to get the Rythmos body. I have mixed feelings about this, though. I REALLY love the resin color (tan) and sculpt, but he is such a pain in the ass to pose. A. really. big. pain. in. the. ass!
Most people buy cars...or $1,000 guns...or 70" TV's. I buy dolls. Am I an idiot?
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AuthorI'm Deadra - I'm a quiet, anxiety-filled individual with a resting bitch face. I am an artist, graphic designer, and self-made hundredaire with a strange obsession for ball-jointed dolls. Categories
February 2024